Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week#11 - The Keg

Good morning everyone,

This week Louise and I celebrated our birthdays by spending the day in Sudbury and then having supper at The Keg. As always supper was simply awesome.

We started by having an order of mushroom Neptune and a spinach salad. The crab and cream cheese on the mushrooms was perfect. Unfortunately they forgot the vinaigrette on the salad and our waiter brought us some on the side. Louise had chicken Thai which was loaded with a variety of vegetables including zucchini, peppers and mushrooms. I had the rib steak which was cooked to perfection. Include with my order was a twice baked potato, some mushrooms and string onions.

A complimentary piece of Billy miner pie is always included on your birthday at The Keg. We had way too much food though, next time I will make sure I fast before going to that restaurant.

Louise and I went for our usual walk around Ramsey Lake, went and watched a 3D IMax movie and went to Chapters. All and all it was an awesome day as always. I am very fortunate to be speding my life with my soul mate.

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